Helping improve your interview skills
I have a strong track record in guiding clients to success at interviews, helping them to get their desired promotion or job. I help them complete and improve application forms and CVs. I coach them to prepare for both competency-based interviews and capability-based interview (those based on the new Civil Service Capability Framework). I deliver training courses and webinars to groups of candidates about interview preparation and writing applications forms. I have written interview preparation workbooks to help candidates prepare for interviews.
I can help you be more successful at interviews through:
I have extensive experience interviewing and chairing interviews. I have interviewed thousands of candidates and worked with hundreds of interviewers. I both shortlist and interview on behalf of several public sector organisations. I have trained thousands of interview board members in the civil service, local authorities, public sector agencies and charities. I also work with private sector companies and candidates.
I can help your organisation with interview skills through:
I work with organisations in the public, private and charity sectors. I also work with individuals. You can read more about my clients and what they say about working with me here.
Tina's backgroundI hold a Masters in Occupational (or Business) Psychology, a degree in Psychology and a degree in Computer Science. I am a member of CIPD (the professional body for HR professionals).
I have a wide range of previous experience having worked in management, sales, operations, consulting, technical and communications roles before re-training as a psychologist and starting my own business in 2009. My management experience includes extensive interviewing experience as well as five years on the senior management team of Microsoft Ireland. My previous consulting and training experience included working for organisations internationally and in Ireland on behalf of IBM and Microsoft. I grew up in Cork and live in Dublin. My unusual Irish surname is pronounced as the two words "Kin" and "Irons" put together. I am always delighted to meet someone who has met another Kinirons (there don't seem to be too many of us about!). P.S. I designed my website and wrote every sentence you are reading (including this one)! Thank you for visiting! Subscribe to my newsletter to stay in touch! If you would like to stay in touch, I send out a newsletter four times a year, which includes an exclusive job interview tip. You can subscribe here. The information you provide when subscribing (your first name and an email) will only be used for this newsletter. |
The person I recommend over the rest is Tina Kinirons. We use her extensively and the feedback is excellent. Hi Tina, Just to let you know that I got the job!! Thanks for all your help. I feel like I've had a 'light bulb moment' in how to answer these interview questions. I just wanted to let you know that I got promoted from CO to HEO. I really feel like the preparation session with you helped me a great deal so I just wanted to say thank you so much. Hi Tina, I wanted to let you know that following our coaching session I was successful at interview. The session really brought my focus to where it needed to be and my marks improved across the board. Tina builds immediate and long lasting rapport with her clients and takes a personal interest in their success. Working with Tina is very enjoyable and I actively seek out opportunities to work with her. She has a great variety of business and management experience to draw on. Hi Tina, just heard that I passed the interview and scored high. Major thank you for the work you did with me, the tools you imparted to me did the trick! Your lovely voice was playing in my head prompting me during the interview. |